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Sign up for free after-school tutoring for 6th to 9th grade students.

iLearn provides students with a special time and space for learning. All sessions are taught by credentialed teachers. Students can hone their study skills, play games that teach strategic thinking and math skills, and bring questions about their current studies and projects. The program runs throughout the school term.

To sign up, contact coordinator Noelle McHugh at 808-855-5199 OR e-mail her at: Online registration is available here.

For more information about iLearn, click here.

iLearn is a partnership between the Kauaʻi North Shore Foundation and the Princeville Public Library. Refreshments provided courtesy of the Friends of the North Shore Library at Princeville.

If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability, please contact the library at least 7 days prior to the program date. We will make every attempt to fulfill all requests for accommodations. All programs are subject to change. For a list of upcoming library events, visit 


Earlier Event: November 5