Let’s give back together.
Would you like to do something that can have a positive, lasting impact on you and your community? If so, and if you live anywhere from Anahola to Hāʻena, consider nominating yourself or a friend to join the 2025 Board of Directors of the Friends of the North Shore Library at Princeville. You may fill out the application below or email us.
Whatever your skills, experience or interests, if you believe the Princeville Library is an indispensable part of North Shore life, you have something to offer!
We make it simple to participate.
Fill out an application form online or on paper at the Library.
Our nominating team will reach out to schedule an interview.
Candidates will be chosen by the nominating team and the membership will vote in December of each year for positions on our Board. Board members are elected for a one year term and service begins January 1 each year.
At our Annual Membership Meeting each December, we introduce new and returning directors to the Friends membership.
The Board itself is authorized to fill vacancies as needed during the year.
2025 Board of Directors and Officers
Mikala Stover, President
June Sungberg, Vice President
Meriah Barnes, Treasurer
Tina Ferrato, Secretary
Dominic Bender, Board Member
Linda George, Board Member
Judy Waite, Board Member
More about the Friends and Board of Directors
History & Organization
The Friends of the North Shore Library at Princeville (FNSLP) was formed in 1991 following the grand opening of the library. The library was built through generous community donations and is one of the finest in the state.
FNSLP has been a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit corporation since April, 2012. Prior to then, FNSLP was an unincorporated non-profit association.
We are an affiliate of the larger Friends of the Library of Hawaii (FLH). There are 23 affiliates plus a few non-profits groups not affiliated but still part of the system. The guidelines we operate under are specified by FLH, but in general we operate independently of them. We do have reporting requirements, primarily related to state/federal tax laws. FLH receives state funding through the Hawaii State Library System, in addition to grants/donations. Some of library performances, like the Hawaiian Story Teller, are sponsored by FLH.
In addition to the FLH guidelines, we operate under a set of by-laws which outline why we exist, how we are organized (general membership, board of directors, officers) and how we meet our responsibilities as board members. We are required by our by-laws to host one general membership meeting each year. The purpose of this meeting is to provide a summary of the year’s activities and to approve the next year’s board of directors (BOD).
Board of Directors Meetings
The first board meeting is held early in the year. The purpose of this meeting is to:
Elect the BOD officers for the year. The officer positions are: President; Vice President; Treasurer and Secretary
Greet & meet new/continuing members of the board
Begin the process of identifying the Board’s goals for the year
In addition to the annual general membership meeting, the BOD meets routinely to report on the progress of projects and programs selected by the board members and library branch manager.
Financial Information
Each year a budget is set – allocating funds for the various administrative and program/projects sponsored by Friends, in addition to providing funds to the branch librarian for materials, books, supplies, and equipment. We have ongoing programs – like our monthly speaker program – that are funded annually, and we provide funds for new programs/projects that may or may not become an annual event.
Important to keep in mind: All funds raised on state library property must be used solely to improve the resources and services of the Princeville Library. Administrative expenses may be funded with these monies.